Counterproductive work behaviors (CWB) are the deviant behaviors of
employees that violate the organisational norms, and in turn harm the
organisation or its members. Misuse of time and resources (MTR), a form of
CWB is of increasing concern to business organisations world-wide. Such
behaviors are mainly aimed at the organisations than the individuals,
restricting productive time on the job and inappropriate or unauthorized use of
organisational resources. Extant literature informs that these behaviors are
caused by stressful work conditions mediated by negative emotions. However,
the extant literature does not adequately consider multiple discrete emotions to
study CWB. This study examines the influence of discrete negative emotions on
misuse of time and resources in the context of manufacturing and IT firms in
India. It contributes to theory by linking individual emotions to the deviant
behaviors relevant to misuse of time and resources. Finally, the managerial
implications derived from the study helps to understand employees’ emotional
states and their possible consequences.