Lasia spinosa (local name - kohila) is a stout, marshy plant with a creeping
spiny rhizome, The tender leaves and rhizomes are used as a vegetable and
are recommended for a variety of diseases in Ayurvedic medicine, The present
study was carried out to determine the total antioxidant activity of Lasia spinosa
rhizome and the contribution to antioxidant activity from the polyphenol fraction
and ascorbic acid and the dietary fiber content (insoluble & soluble), Rhizomes
(n=6) of Lasia spinosa were collected from six different markets in the locality
near the university.
According to the results obtained from the study, Lasia rhizome possessed a
wide-ranging antioxidant capacity. A total antioxidant activity of 145.0 - 957.0
umol/g TEAC on a wet weight basis was observed. The contribution from
polyphenols to the antioxidant activity ranged from 14% - 48%. In addition to
polyphenols, ascorbic acid also contributes to the total antioxidant activity (34%
- 56%). The rhizome is a rich source of dietary fiber with 40% - 75% oftotal
dietary fiber on dry weight basis, (7.2% - 7.5% on fresh weight basis)
constituting 35% - 60% and 4% - 18% of insoluble and soluble fiber
respectively. The above antioxidants could act independently or synergistically
with fiber, since Lasia spinosa is a rich source of dietary fiber to reduce the
adverse effects of various diseases. Thus kohila rhizome can be considered
as a valuable functional food from the viewpoint of its antioxidant and dietary
fibre content.