Gender being a social construction, women and men world over are subject to the effects of what the society expects from
them. Currently around the globe women are entering the labour force much more than the past but it is evident that women are mostly
the majority at the lower organizational levels. In contrast the top of the organizational hierarchy is governed by the men and this is true
for the developed world as well as for the global south. This tendency on male domination in organisations is a result of a system of
stratifying men and women differently and structuring personal and work lives of either gender. Thuswomen’s work lives are affected
due to the effects of gender and they are positioned in the lower rungs of organisations. As discussed in literature cumulative
disadvantage of blocked opportunities causes women’s under representation at higher ranks. Adding to the same women managers
experiencechallenges not faced by their male counterparts because of the dominant masculinist ethos of corporate management culture
that privileges men. Thus the effectsof gender as a social construction to a greater extentdecides wherewomen are positioned in
organizational hierarchies.