Lack of opportunities to access energy services and products, deficiency of electricity
to assist the socio-economic development, incompetency to reach quality standards
in domestic energy services like cooking, space heating and cooling, use appliances
and IT-related material. On the other side, sustainable development can be described
as the capacity to withstand natural systems in order to deliver the resources and
ecosystem services that are essential to the economy and society. Since energy crisis
in Sri Lanka is getting worst, people are experiencing a deficiency of hydroelectricity
and natural gas daily. Hence, Sri Lanka should look for alternative energy sources
to sustain the economy. Out of many energy sources, the researcher identified solar
energy as the best source to produce electricity need of the country. Therefore, this
can be considered a topic worth rigorous investigation.
The existing literature reveals a deficiency in theoretical and empirical knowledge
on the usage of solar power as a sustainable energy. Therefore, the researcher aims
to design a sound framework to develop solar power as sustainable energy source in
Sri Lanka. To do that, the researcher introduced four objectives for this research.
Having identified variables thrugh literature survey, a theoretical framework was
developed indicating the relationships between variables. Theoretical framework
was then operationalized associating relevant dimensions. As this research follows
positivist and deductive approaches, Likert Scale will be used to formulate
questionnaire to collect data quantitatively.