The food cotasumptson parte ms of people around the world are now moving towards plant
orieaaed foods due to 'various reasons Although the protein requirement of people is mostly
fulfilled by the animal saureet' today. pecpie consume plant based foods since some animal
foods can lead to infectious viral diseases. Seaweeds are recognized as an excellent source of
protem. This is a preliminary study done to evaluate protein content of different seaweed
species in Sri Lanta and extract proteins to utilize as a protein alternative in floods Initially,
naturally grown; Tiirbinaiia amain (Phaeophyta). G raabsia saliconSa (Ehodcphyta),
Caulerpa lenriiifera (Chlorophyta) and a cultivated variety; Kappaphyciu; akerezii
(Rhodoplrjla) were collected from Jaifna in December 2019 and their crude protein contents
were determined The freshly hiarvested samples were washed well and oven dried (ftf/'C, ! Oh;.
And the dried samples were grounded and sieved to obtain similar particles. The crude protein
contents ) of :he drsed powder samples thar were determined usin^ tyeidhal method ire
S.15S& ± 0.0059, 9.6193 = 0.0119, 14.511 ± 0.009, 10.528 = 0.0652 respectively. Moisture
contents {%) of these dried simples weie S.52 ± 0.01.. 9.09 = 0.08. ST4 ± 0.03. 9.33 ± 0.04
respectively. Generally, die protein concent of seaweeds vines with factors lite species, season,
geographical location etc. According to the above result*. protem content of die selected
seaweeds varied as Caulwpa lentili/era* Kappaphyciis atverezii-- Gracilaria Sail cor win
Turbmaj'ia omare (p 0.05 at 95% confident interest). In addition, the determination of the
soluble proteins and the protein profiles of the above seaweeds are m progress.