1. To evaluate the association between the use of medical devices and duration of hospitalization which predispose to health care associate infections (HCAIs) in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka
2. To determine the proportion of health care associated urinary tract infections (UTIs) respiratory tract infections (RTIs) and surgical site infections (SSIs) in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka
3. To compare the 3 types of health care associated infections with the type of ward, age and sex of patients
Methodology: Data extraction sheets (study instrument) were filled with information obtained from bed head tickets, and laboratory reports and confirmed by clinicians. Bed head tickets of 423 patients who had stayed more than 48 hours or had been readmitted to the hospital in surgical, medical, pediatric and gynecology wards were studied
Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between the proportion of HCAIs and usage of medical devices such as ventilators, nebulizers, urinary catheters and central intravenous lines, etc as the chi square test is highly significant (X2= 34.3, df = 1, P = .000). Further there was a statistical significant relationship between the length of stay in hospital and HCAls. Patients who had acquired HCAls in the health care institution had a mean duration of hospitalization for more than 12 days and patients who had not acquired HCAls had less than 5 days and the p value of the independent sample t test was <0.05. Out of 423 patient's, 71 (16.8%) had been diagnosed as health care associated infected patients by the clinicians. The predominant type of HCAls was RTIss (5.7%) followed by UTls (5%), SSIs (4%), and other infections (4%). The highest percentage of UTls were in surgical wards (38.1 %) whereas RTls were seen medical wards (45.8%). Females had presented with higher percentages of SSIs, UTls, RTls than male patients. Elderly patients were the most susceptible age group (24,46%).
Conclusion: There is a significant association between use of medical devices and duration of hospitalisation with development