Cut-throat wounds are a well-recognized method of homicide are less commonly used in suicides and are rarely accidental. The forensic pathologist has a challenging task during ascertainment of the .manner of death when presented with no proper history or witnesses. We report a rare homicide, where a gay partner was killed by the father of the other partner.
Case Report
A 51 year old married person was found dead in his car on the driving seat at a main road. There had been lot of blood and blood stains on the dash board and the windscreen.
'At the autopsy, a deep oblique incised neck injury was found on the 'front side of the neck. The left end started below the ear at upper third of the neck arid deepened gradually. The right sided end was at the mid third of the neck \kith tail abrasion. No weapon had been recovered at the scene. There was no other injury including hesitant cuts or defense injuries. The cause of death was cut throat.
The findings were compatible with a homicidal cut throat by right handed person from behind after being restrained firmly.
Later, the suspect, the father of the deceased's gay partner revealed, that he and his son got in to the deceased's car to request him to terminate this relationship. The right handed suspect had been in the rear seat right behind the deceased. When the deceased disagreed to terminate the relationship, suspect had cut the throat of the deceased using a knife and both had escaped. The findings were compatible with the history given by the suspect