Research has become the order of the day as survival and growth of organizations depend on new knowledge. Unirersitie
area terrain Jot research as knowledge ofstudents and teachers are pooled and facilitated by the existing infrastructure. Within this
backdrop universities are expected to involve in research more and more but in contrast universities are concentrating more on
teaching and practical training. Thus H is significant to Identify attitude towards research, sole of supervisors in motivating
research and gender difference in determining the level of research at unirersitie. A significant number of studio highlight that
student's attitude towards research is a significant daerminant in their decision to do research. Accordingly undergraduate and
postgraduate students' beliffs, attitude, self-efficacy, tatd motivation about research influence their interest in doing research. There
are Indications of female students’ low involvement in research especially at the postgraduate level: Irrespective of the level study
academics hare to play a key role in promoting research in unirersitie.