Satisfying customers is an essential elem ent in staying in the business market in the global
competition of the modem world. Hence, this is a key factor to the profitability of a
successful business. Therefore, companies should obtain a better understanding of the
importance of the customer satisfaction. International Direct Dialing (ID D ) plays a major
role in the telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka as various ID D services are available
for the customers. Therefore, at present the prepaid ID D call card market is one of the
most competitive areas in the telecommunication industry in Sri Lanka. This research
mainly focused on identifying the association among demographic variables: gender, age
group, marital status and em ploym ent status with customer satisfaction variables, induding
quality, perceived value, custom er loyalty and customer support and also with overall
customer satisfaction to identify the factors affecting the ID D prepaid call card market.
The required data w ere collected using a structured questionnaire through the purposive
random sampling method with a sample size of 222. T o attain customer satisfaction, five
different brands of prepaid ID D call cards w ere used. The chi-square analysis for 2-way
categorical data confirmed that the customer satisfaction with ID D prepaid cards was not
significantly influenced by demographic variables. Each of the individual customer
satisfaction variables was positively correlated with overall customer satisfaction at five
percent significant level. Furtherm ore, the study revealed that all four variables: perceived
quality, perceived value, custom er loyalty and customer support have a positive significant
effect on the level of custom er satisfaction. Further, the results of the factor analysis
suggest that the six customer satisfaction variables can be explained by three common
factors: Custom er Loyalty, Value for M oney and User Friendliness. The percentage of
overall custom er satisfaction of the ID D prepaid call cards is 93.2% , irrespective of any
demographic variables