The ultimate goal o f the students who are studying in Universities is to get an
employment in a suitable field. In this process “Employability skills” play a vital
role in securing a relevant job. Sometimes these skills help someone to market
themselves in an interview and help to write an attractive job application. Hence,
employability skills make a link from learning to earning. The objective o f this
study is to identify the undergraduates’ employability skills according to the
employers’ requirements. Therefore, available research articles, and some in-depth
discussions with passed out graduates were used to collect data/information, which
are analysed descriptively. Further, experience o f development o f employability
skills in universities is also analysed. Study identified that social sciences degree
programmes are in critical stage in connection with the development of
employability skills o f students. However, some of students in such degree
programmes are preparing themselves acquiring additional qualifications such as
diploma in Human Resource Management, Marketing, English, IT etc. Yet, critical
point is that the employers’ requirements such as communication skills, analytical
ability, team work, personal relationship etc are seriously lacking behind the
majority o f graduates in social sciences. Having identified these factors, students
who wish to develop their skills as well as University authorities, especially Career
Guidance Units in Universities need to modify the existing methods and strategies
o f development o f employability skills through the degree programmes. This may
be a gradual process in bridging the gap between employers’ expectations and
graduates’ expectation.