This article review s the key socio-econom ic factors of the dangerous d ru g abuse
am ong the youth in th e Colom bo D istrict. D rpgs can have im m ediate and longlasting effects on physical and psychological w ell-being of a young person.
Therefore, the findings of this research w ill be useful in developing strategies to
overcom e th e current state. A sam ple of data about 112 d ru g addicted youth
w as gathered from three (03) cities w hich w ere reported to have the m ost
serious d ru g victim s in the W estern Province. Q uestionnaires and interview s
w ere used to gather data. Factor analysis w as used to identify the key factors
behind dangerous d ru g abuse of youth. Regression A nalysis w as used to
estim ate the m onthly expenses for heroin. D escriptive Statistics, chi square test
and contingency table w ere also used fo r analytical v purposes. Results
discovered th at m ost dangerous d ru g addicted youth are school d ro p outs,
three w heeler drivers, petty businessm en, and day paid labors. A m ong m any
other m otives, loss of love, interrupted, education and stress due to
unem ploym ent are som e of reasons behind drug addiction on youth. Incom e,
age and rate of heroin usage per m onth are the m ost significant variables for the
m onthly expenses for heroin. Factor analysis identified five com m on factors
nam ely psychological, physical strength, addiction factor, influence of friends,
and food appetite.