This study is about international politics o f post-cold w ar period in which US attem pted to become the
singular hegemonic power in the international political affairs. The m ajor purpose o f the study was to
explore the responses o f em erging powers in the international political system to US am bition. The
article w ill start w ith a discussion on elem ents o f US Grand Strategy in its foreign affairs. It has been
revealed that strategy was based on m odernist premises even though the world has been changed by
globalizing forces. However, the thesis that the end o f cold w ar has brought with the end o f sovereignty
o f the states was questioned by arguing that sovereignty o f sm all states had decreased, while the
sovereignty o f strong states had increased. Rogue states defined by US had become allies o f emerging
powers. The regional wars fought by US in different locations sim ultaneously had weakened its
capacity and econom ically unsustainable. Economic power of rising powers and m ilitary m odernization
o f their arm ories had given them impetus to become more and m ore assertive. China and Russia had
worked together in coalition in international forum s to challenged US hegemony. The division within the
allies o f US also had weakened its position further. Thus, international politics o f the contem porary
world order could best understood m ulti-polar in character and content The US attem pt at the sole
hegemonic power in international politics has become a dream in the context o f em erging powers claim
for greater role in international politics.