dc.description.abstract |
The Saddarmalankaraya is one o f the best known mediaeval Sinhala scriptures.
The author o f Saddarm alankaraya Jayabahu D harmakeerthi Sangharaka Thera
lived in Lanka during the Gampola era. The main source in the composition of
the Saddarmalankaraya was the Pali Rasavahini based on local information of
the A nuradhapura era. The text is considered one o f the most detailed
descriptions o f mediaeval Sinhala culture and society. M ore than half o f the
103 chupters o f Saddarm alankaraya represent the Sinhala society. It includes
descriptions o f the nobility, priests and ordinary people w ho lived during the
time. It includes descriptions o f elites, priests and ordinary people who lived
during the Gampola Era. Although certain chapters o f Pansiya Panas
Jathakaya prove that the literati o f the Jathaka stories have not depicted
females as illiterate, capricious and conservative, Saddarmalankaraya depicts
fem ales in a different manner. In the ancient times there were wise women who
also protected civility. Yet, while the author has made an effort to praise
fem ales whenever possible, in certain places satirical and scornful allusions
have been m ade towards women. Especially through ‘Kakawam atissa V asthu’
the capriciousness o f women is highlighted. As such, it appears the author has
made an effort to present a balanced attitude regarding women. N everthless, a
citation in Saddarmalankaraya exposes all the com positions that alluded to
women in that era in a sexist manner. The narration related to D utugem unu’s
Royal Tusker (Kadol Etha) and the m are D heegahuni highlight the relegated
view on women. A ccording to Saddarmalankaraya, there are facts about
superfluous readings on fem inine chirognomy, called Sam udrika Shastraya, and
how only male children o f patriarchal fam ilies have been encouraged to obtain
an education. Texts nam ely Kinchisangha Vasthu, Vessamiththa Vasthu, Naga
Vasthu present various information about education for fem ales, cookery and
other practices confined to women. These texts divulge facts about females
who gained liberation through savoir faire and m editation. A lso, marriage had
not been an assured bond for women. M orevoer, women had been engaged in
professions such as nurses and midwives. |