The Electronic Health Record (EHR) refers to an electronically maintained, connectible, mass o f pertinent, patient-related, healthcare information
collected during one or many patient encounters. It constitutes patient demographic data, encounter notes, laboratory reports, prescription details,
and past medical records, besides other medical data. The EHR in essence should facilitate the, precise future diagnosis, treatment, and decision
support processes o f patient healthcare. Since EHR technology is a burgeoning sScieuce, maiiy facets lie under-used or under-utilized, its
implementation is primarily confined to national pockets, managed by individual NationalsHealth Systems (NHS). True, universally interoperable,
consolidated EHR schemes are still a thing for the future; a migratory- patient may not have his national EHR available in distant territories. (
Further, global consolidation o f related EHRs are still a distant dream. This paper articulates a unified, sound, precise, and secure methodology for
achieving much-desired International Interoperability and inclusive efficiency in'llbiquitoi's, Universal, Consolidated Electronic Health Records,
optimising the derived merits o f this prime technology. Utilizing iiome popular EHR schemes as base models, such as Health Level 7’s (HL7)
Electronic Health Record Functional Model (EHR-FM) and similar systems, this overarching solution can be extrapolated to any ubiquitous EHR