O verw eight dr obese, postm enopausal w om en are said to be at high risk o f developing breast cancer. Literature
cites that BC w om en have elevated serum lipid profiles and different sex horm one concentrations. W e studied
the serum lipid profiles, anthropom etric param eters and sex horm one levels o f consenting postm enopausal BC
atients (n=100). Their serum lipid profile, estradiol II, progesterone and testosterone were m easured. Data
w ere com pared against age m atched healthy wom en. W eight, height, BMI, W C, HC and W HR of each BC patient
w as m easured/ calculated. BMI >23 and >25 were considered as overw eight and obese respectively. Over 80 cm
of W C and W HR o f > 0.80 were considered as risk category and significances were analyzed.
The m ean TC, H DL-C, LDL-C, TG and TC-H D L-C of postm enopausal BC w om en were 239± 44 mg/dL, 43+11 mg/dL,
169±40 mg/dL, 140±64 m g/dL and 5.9±1.7 respectively. Majority (70% ) had TC above 200m g/dL and 45% had TC
above 240 mg/d and w ere unaware. 12% w ere on cholesterol low ering drugs but had significantly high levels of
TC, LDL-C, TG and TC: HDL-C (P<0.05). W ith respect to W C and W HR, 67% and 90% were in risk category
respectively. M ean (±SEM ) testosterone, estrogen and progesterone concentrations were 0.22 ng/m L (±0.16),
27.8 pg/m L (±0.52) and 0.57ng/m L (±0.15) respectively. Significant associations between lipid param eters and
anthropom etric m easures/sex horm ones were not observed (p>0.05).
Estrogen show ed significant positive associations with BMI (r=0.3, p=0.02), M U C (r=0.4, p=0.00) and weight
(r=0.4, p=0.00) despite levels being closer to lower limit of norm al in m ost of the individuals. Progesterone
show ed significant positive associations with BMI (r=0.3, p=0.02), M UC (r=0.3, p=0.03) and weight (r=0.3,
p=0.01) and testosterone show ed a significant association (r=0.28, p=0.02) only with BMI. Majority of
postm enopausal BC w om en have high TC, LDL-C and TC: HDL-C and were either overw eight or obese with lower
'strogen levels. M easuring serum lipid profiles and m aintaining healthy anthropom etric m easures would be
oeneficial in reducing risk o f BC am ong postm enopausal women.