This sfirdy seens to oxplore the impact of job sitisfaction on eryloyee tu:rover intention
?mory operational level employees in electrical manufacturing companies in Colombo
disfrict iu Sd Lanka. The research problem of this study is: Dses the job satisfaction of the
employees have an impact on &eir t*orr", intention in electrical manufacturing companies
'in Colombo distict in Sri Lanka? The data were collected from a statified sample of 108
Gperational level gmfloVees in selected electrical manufacturing coryanies in Colombo
district and used a strucfired questionnaire consisting 44 questions with 5 points Likert Seale.
Data were anallzed using SPSS computer package and univariate analysis and bivariate
aaalysss were utilize d ta analyze the primary data gathered from the sample. This study
formd that there is a moderate negative relationship between work itself, pay and tunrover
intention and, aweak negative relationship between promotion" srryerrision, coworkers and
turnover intention of operational level employees in etrectrical manufacturing companies in
Colombo diskict. It is coacluded that there is a moderak negative relationship between
ernployee job satisfaction and turnover inten-tion of.operational level employees in electrical
manufacturiag companies. Further, this study found that work itself and pay are moro
affectiys for the turnover intention than promotion, supervision and coworkers. Thus, some
good practices, procedures, methods and programs wers recommended to enhance the
employee job satisfaction of the operational leve1 ethployees to t"Li, them and to get their
maximum conaibution for the sustaiaable success of the coryanies.