Sri Lanka started its e-government initiative under the ‘e- Sri Lanka national development project.’ The online portal offers A-Z government web indexes, 108 e-service for citizen, 51 e-service for businesses and 10 non-residence related e-services. Like many other developing countries, E-government initiative in Sri Lanka has faced number of challenges since its inception. Sri Lanka ranked 74th on according to E-Government index in 2014. Even though the government spent millions of dollars on this project, e-government adaptation is low when compared to some countries in Asia. That is lack of current information on the sites, less user friendliness, less usefulness and less ease of use. The main objective of this is to investigate significant factors affecting citizens intend to use Government websites with reference to MBA students in the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka. This research used an online survey as a form of data collection covering 8 variables. These data were used to analyze the effect on demographic variables and understand the relationship and casual relations among quantitative variables against the dependent variables. Findings show the rejection of variables “Trustworthiness”, “Trust in Internet”, “Facilitating condition” and “Computer self-efficacy” from the conceptual model and acceptance of “Trust in Government”, “Perceived Usefulness” and “Perceived Ease of Use” from the model. Policy recommendations suggested enhancing the country’s overall use of government websites.