Phylogenetic relationships for tifteen species of Sri Lankan Cyprinids were
revealed by the cladistic analysis of separate and combined biochemical and
morphological characters. Different data sets yeilded different c1adograms. The
consences of c1adograms based on biochemical data conflict with the existing c1assif
ication of subfamilies and include few Cyprinine species with Rasboranine species
in one clad. The consences of c1adograms based on morphology favour the existing
classification of sub families and include Cyprinine species and Rasboranine species
in seperate clads. Despite these differences both c1adograms favour the close
relationship of some species. Both c1adograms indicate that, P. nigrofasciatus,
P. Cumingi and P. bimaculatus have a common origin and are closely related. Both
data sets and the combine date favour that the four rasboranine species, Rasbora
daniconius, Rasbora vaterifloris, Amblypharyngodon melettinus and Danio
malabaricus have a common origin and are closely related.