Field and the laboratory studies were carried out to ascertain the potential impact of algicidal bacteria
on Microcyctis aeruginosa from June 2005 to March 2007 in Beira Lake, Sri Lanka. M. aeruginosa.
and M wesenbergii quantitatively dominated in most sampling dates and constituted >75% of the
phytoplankton cell densities when the bloom reached to its peaks. Densities of algicidal bacteria were
relatively high with large fluctuations between 2.3 x 102 PFU mli to 0.3 x 102 PFU ml.i. Three
algicidal bacteria species were isolated from the lake and identified as Alcaligenes denitrificans, A.
xyosoxydans, and Flavobacterium marinotypicum. The algicidal effect of the bacterium was studied
and the results suggest that the bacteria did not release extracellular products inhibitory to M
aeruqinosa, and that the bacteria kil.ed the algae by direct contact. In the field, rapid decline of
Microcystis bloom was detected when algicida. Lar.ter.a were increased. In the laboratory, when the
bacterium were inoculated at low densities (104 cells -nl.i) together with Microcvstis, the bacterium
proliferated to 107 cells mli and caused tvttcrocvst.s cell lysis. Thus, the result of the present study
strongly suggests that algicida' bacteria degrade M.'1eruginosa bloom in natural freshwater