Kala Oya Basin (KGB) is one of the largest river basins in Sri Lanka which
covers an area of around 2,870 knr and expands over three provinces and
four districts. The river basin covers many different types of ecosystems,
valuable biodiversity resources and characterized by conflicting user interests
and serious degradation issues. The present study attempts valuation of
ecosystem services provided by the river basin and aims at providing
recommendations for river basin management.
Carbon storage and soil conservation functions, recreation, production
services of homegardens, and mangrove services were valued using data
collectedfrom various primary and secondary sources and using benefit transfer
approach as the main valuation method.
The annual value of the ecosystem services of the KGB is Rs million 23,500. The
highest economic value was resulted from the carbon values (77%). The
estimated value represents 1.16% ofGDP (of 2004) of the country and 7.33%
of the agricultural sector GDP which highlights the significance of the
potential economic gains of the basin. Development of appropriation
mechanisms for the yet unrealized values and identification of conservation
and monitoring priorities are the key issues identified by the present study
However the study emphasizes the needfor more complex models that integrate
economics, hydrology, and equity aspects which could ensure long term
sustenance of the service provision of the river basin.