Present study examined the effect of warm black tea brew/ infusion (BTB) of
Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze (family: Theaceae) on sleep. The above was tested
in hexabarbital induced sleep model in mice using three doses (equivalent to 1_5.3.
and 9 cups. 1 cup 170 ml) of Sri Lankan high grown Dust grade No: 1 black tea or a
single dose (equivalentto 9 cups) of green tea brew CGTB)ofJapanese and Chinese
varieties. The results showed that black tea brew (BTB) significantly (P < 0.05) and
dose-dependently prolonged the onset and shortened the duration of sleep. A simi lar
effect was elicited with the high dose of GTBs but w~th a higher efficacy.
Decaffeination of 8TB suppressed the effects on the onset of sleep induced by the
normal 8TB. It is concluded that Sri Lankan black tea disrupts sleep in mice
possibly via dopaminergic, serotoninergic and nerve stimulant mechanisms.