This study examines the biogas and energy
generation potential from apple juice, optimum factors and
inhibitors for the biogas generation process. Instead of apple
waste apple juice used for the experiment by assuming apple
juice and apple waste compositions are approximately equal.
In this report consider about biogas generation amount, flow
rate, other factors are affecting the biogas generation, and
energy derives from biogas. Moreover, simulated the biogas
potential, flow rate, pH & VFA etc.Then compared
experimental results with simulated data. Small syringes
used as reactors and gas holder. In this experiment
considered the effect of the biogas potential with mixing
effects and without mixing. According to the yield
calculation data, identified 5% is given the maximum yield.
According to the 5% sample simulated data, identify the
optimum conditions and used simulated results to calculate
the energy potential from biogas. pH, VFA, organic load are
the main important factors affect to the biogas production.
pH should be around 7 for better gas production.The
temperature at 35 ± 1.0C was kept for better gas
production. UASB is the best reactor for biogas generation
because of the smallest volume. Average gas production
from apple waste is 35ml/1 ml feed and CH4 production is
approximately 60% of the total gas production. Finally
calculated the energy potential from methane as 417.7kWh.